v0.9 Initial release - Retracted ---------------------- v0.9.1 Redone the script due to some bugs in the initial release. Retracted ---------------------- v0.9.2 Fixed a bug in line 165 "obj is undefined". Retracted ---------------------- v1.0 First "production release". Read more here: http://sharepointjavascript.wordpress.com/2012/05/29/dynamic-forms-for-sharepoint-production-release/ Retracted ---------------------- v1.1 Fixed the check to identify thet it's Dispform. This failed when the Title field was not present. Retracted ---------------------- v1.2 Fixed some messy padding thet pushed the width of the GUI out of the right side of the screen in SP2007. Fixed an error in the choice field behaviour (radio and select) that messed with the rules when there were more then one rule configured. Made a little change to the function "doReadOnly" that removes custom required property before making the field readonly You can now make a required field readonly despite it being empty. This does NOT work with fields set as required in the list settings. Retracted ---------------------- v1.2.1 Fixed a bug that occurred when an identical rule was applied for multiple options in a single choice field (select or radio). This made the rules cancel eachother out. Small update to the function "hideFields" to prevent hiding an empty required field (where the required flag was set in the list settings). Another small update to the function "doReadOnly" to prevent the width of the "formlabel" to vary when toggling readonly for a field. Retracted ---------------------- v1.2.2 Fixed a small bug in the function "doReadOnly" that prevented the value for a read only people picker to appear in EditForm. Retracted ---------------------- v1.2.3 Fixed a stupid error introduced when trying to tidy up the code in v1.2.2. Also fixed an error where a form with two or more people pickers would insert the name in the last People picker only. Again thanks to Mark forr finding the bug. ---------------------- v1.24 Fixed an error with using boolen (Yes/No) as trigger. ---------------------- v1.25 Fixed an error regarding using multi choice checkbox field triggering on blank value. ---------------------- v1.26 Renamed the function "getGroupCollectionFromUser" to avoid conflict with http://spservices.codeplex.com/ ---------------------- v1.27 Attemted to fix a problem occuring when using content types. ---------------------- v2.0 Integrated with Tabs For SharePoint, and a few other new features. read about it here: Retracted http://sharepointjavascript.wordpress.com/2012/08/13/dynamic-forms-for-sharepoint-now-with-tabs/ ---------------------- v2.1 Changed the "Orphan fields" handling by adding a checkbox "Show orphan fields in a separate tab" in the tabs configuration, ensured compatibility with Christophe's Easy Tabs and changed the tab position in non-dialog forms in SP2010. ---------------------- v2.2 Added option to alert the validation message. Added support for "All fields tab" - to enable, add a tab with no fields. Enabled solid color table background - same color as the selected tab. To disable, remove line 51-63 in the default.css file. ---------------------- v2.3 Added option to show a tab only for members in selected SharePoint groups. Fixed a bug in date columns when you type in the value, in combination with the "alert validation message option". ---------------------- v2.4 - Minimum dialog width (SP2010) set to 700px. - The variable "_spUserId" is changed to "_spPageContextInfo.userId" in SP2010 as some users are missing the "_spUserId" variable in their master page. The edit link was previously only visible for the person who first set up the solution. It is now visible for all users. Protect the settings with the built in password functionality. - Added a fix to handle multiple single item lookup columns with more than 20 items in different tabs (in IE). The problem was that the options "dropdown" sometimes did not render. - To fix the problem when adding more than 2 rich text or enhanced rich text columns (in SP2007 only) broke the script, I have disabled the ordering of those field types completely. Put them in the top or bottom of the form (using list settings). - Added "Is in group trigger" - Added single choice lookup columns as trigger - Added show or hide tabs by rule option ---------------------- v2.41 -The action "Set field value" can now pull values from other columns in the current form (in addition to item ID) - as requested by Morten. To include a value from another field, enter the FieldInternalName like this: {Title}. - Added trigger "The form is saved". This trigger will affect the action "Set field value" only. - Added password obfuscation as requested by Matthias. ---------------------- v2.42 Fixed a bug in v2.41 when using SP2007 ---------------------- v2.5 The solution now supports ordering of rich text fields! retracted Initial form visibility set to hidden to prevent flashing all fields before applying rules / tabs. display:none is not used because the dialog size would be distorted. You must update both "DynamicFormsForSharePoint_v2.js" and "default.css". ---------------------- v2.51 Fixed these issues: 1. The form was hidden when no settings were found (first setup) - thus hiding the link to initiate the setup. It was still possible to use ?dfsetup=1 to initialte the setup. 2. Whan not using TABS in SP2007, you go a javascript error: "The value of the property 'ExecuteOrDelayUntilScriptLoaded' is null or undefined, not a Function object" ---------------------- v2.6 BETA Option to bypass all rules for selected users or groups (Misc tab). Set date column value like [today], [today]-14 or [today]+14. Tabs now support MUI. Added support for headings (MUI). Changed boolean column behavior to fix issue with hiding tabs. Please note that you must update spjs-utility.js ---------------------- v2.61 BETA Set field value had a bug preventing choice fields from being set correctly. Added MUI support for the validation message / alert. ---------------------- v2.62 BETA Fixed a bug where the "hiddenColTrackerObj" was not properly updated when a hidden field was set as required and thus being made visible. FIxed a positioning issue for the help text container when scrolling in SP2007 (in the setup GUI). ---------------------- v2.65 Fixed: Validation text was shown multiple times if the rule was triggered repeatedly. When saving the GUI the input values for visible or hidden tabs / headings got the previous rule value if the fields were left blank. Error message in DispForm due to "customValidationMsg" being triggered. New features: It's now possible to have a rule check another rules value before triggering. ---------------------- v2.70 Fixed bug where the tab setup link is missing in initial setup. Added “show field description when readonly” switch under “Misc” section. Added support for SP 2013. Small change to the file default.css to remove form background color in SP 2013 (goes better with the SP 2013 look). Added error handling when using invalid characters in the custom css setup in the heading configuration and including. Added support for rules comparing date columns against other date columns in the form, or validation empty / not empty date columns. Please note that you will have to update spjs-utility.js to v1.14: http://spjsfiles.com/index.php?dir=SharePoint+JavaScripts%2Fspjs-utility%2F ---------------------- v2.71 Fixed a bug preventing the use of a number columns as trigger for a rule. ---------------------- v2.8 New features: Add the ability to insert custom CSS and JavaScript (in the Misc tab) Added "URL Query string parameter" as trigger for a rule. Bug fixes: Validating an empty lookup column with the text (none) failed. This has been fixed by checking the val() property which will be 0. "showFieldDescriptionWhenReadonly" had a bug preventing it from functioning. If you selected the same field twice in a tab, it misbehaved. I now strio out any duplicates by removing the last occurrence. ---------------------- v2.81 Fixed a bug occurring when you set a boolean column as required. ---------------------- v2.90 Added content type choice as possible trigger field. Added side-by-sice capabilities. Fixed a bug where the link to add tabs were missing for the first setup. Changed the function that dynamically resizes the dialog. This new function is created by Sing Chan, http://blog.collabware.com/2012/10/30/tips-tricks-sharepoint-2010-modal-dialogs/ Added a fix for some occurrences where the variable L_Menu_LCID was missing in a SP2013 setup. Fixed a bug in SP.UI.RTE.js that occurs when hiding rich text columns in SP2010. http://www.sharepointjohn.com/sharepoint-2010-javascript-errors-sp-ui-rte-js-sp-ui-rte-debug-js ---------------------- v2.91 Fixed bug in side-by-side functionality regarding the "fields" not getting the correct fieldtype and fielddispname attributes. Fixed bug where the field label was repeated multiple times when combining side-by-side with readonly, and then switching tab. ---------------------- v2.93 Fixed bug in validating required rich text field when using non English letters. Fixed bug where fields appearing in the "orphan fields tab" when using Side by Side. Prevented the ID column from appearing in the "orphan fields tab". Fixed bug where people pickers lost their value in EditForm in Chrome (and possibly other non-IE browsers). ---------------------- v2.94 Fixed a bug regarding comparing date and time columns where the trigger column is empty. ---------------------- v2.95 Added tooltip. You will now keep focus on the same tab when you edit a list item from DispForm. ---------------------- v2.951 Fixed a case insensitive flag in a regex to remove the
tag from the custom edit button. ---------------------- v2.96 Disabled the solution when the page is in edit mode to prevent errors. Fixed a glitch in "reversing" rules when using multichoice checkboxes. Attempted to fix a chrome issue with disappearing scrollbars. Added an option to include an overlay with "Loading, please wait..." to prevent flashing the unformatted form when loading. ---------------------- v2.961 Fixed a bug in bringing fields visible when NOT using Tabs. Cosmetics: Hidden the "Edit button" behind an image. Update the CSS file to have it initially hidden. ---------------------- v2.97 Fixed missing trigger for Currency field. Added option to initially hide a list of fields. ---------------------- v2.971 Fixed required field check for multichoice columns. ---------------------- v2.972 Fixed problem with edit page when the overlay is added to NewForm, DispForm or EditForm. ---------------------- v2.98 Added support for arranging checkboxes (choice columns - allow multiple selections) in multiple columns. ---------------------- v2.981 - Added Danish date format (LCID 1030). - Added option to arrange multilookup columns vertically. - Changed the identifier for the headings to prevent them from getting a new ID when they are moved or another heading is deleted. - Fixed a bug settng a multichoice column as mandatory using the fill-in option. ---------------------- v2.982 Added support for rendering calculated columns as HTML in DispForm. ---------------------- v3.0 http://spjsblog.com/2013/08/12/dynamic-forms-for-sharepoint-v3 ---------------------- v3.02 Fixed a bug preventing the user from saving the first time the configuration is added. ---------------------- v3.10 See chang log here: http://spjsblog.com/2013/08/12/dynamic-forms-for-sharepoint-v3 ---------------------- v3.11 Fixed typo regarding license code. ---------------------- v3.13 Fixed typo "dropdodwns" Changed the CSS file to make the form look the same in DispForm and EditForm when using side-by-side. Added trigger for "SelectedTabIndex. ---------------------- v3.14 Fixed bug in clearing / reversing rules for unselected choice columns. This bug would incorrectly trigger the rule when clicking another option in the choice columns. ---------------------- v3.15 Initially hidden field can not be made visible by including them in a tab – you must use a rule. Fixed set field value for multiline textfield. ---------------------- v3.20 See details here: http://spjsblog.com/2013/08/12/dynamic-forms-for-sharepoint-v3 ---------------------- v3.21 Edit item button will not show if the user does not have edit access. Set Field Value now supports all available properties from the user list in SharePoint (not the user profile service). Use it like this: {currentUser:Prop}. ---------------------- v3.22 Replaced a custom stringify method with the standard JSON.stringify. This because the custom method failed in some rare cases. This change will affect SP2007 when using IE. Because the master page forces Document Mode: Quirks, you must use another browser, or force the Document mode to IE8 using the developer console. ---------------------- v3.221 Fixed unnessesary escaping og double quotes in object formatted strings (after the change in 3.22). Fixed missing tabs in SP2013 Document library Fixed bug where sometimes the config is not recognized due to wrong case in the URL ---------------------- v3.222 Removed the paperclip in front of the "Attachments" formlabel as adding attachments is not possible in DispForm. Fixed undefined variable "isNewForm" > "spjs.dffs.data.isNewForm". Added description to the tooltip section: If you use HTML code, do not add line feeds using Enter, add HTML code as a continuous string. Hide save item btn now works "both ways": No = show button Added option to hide edit item btn in DispForm. This works like the "Hide save item button". ---------------------- v3.23 Better detection of "New folder" to prevent the DFFS code from triggering. Tooltip now supports vLookup columns that use "Hide form label" Set field value now updates the value in readonly fields. ---------------------- v3.25 Yet another fix for detecting folder content types and summary tasks in a tasks list. ---------------------- v3.26 Added a check for a function named "dffs_PreSaveAction" when saving the form. Use this function to add "pre save code" like this (the function must NOT return anything): function dffs_PreSaveAction(){ // do stuff before saving } Retracted ---------------------- v3.261 Fixed a bug in v3.26 regarding L_Menu_BaseUrl. ---------------------- v3.262 Fixed bug with attachments due to a function changing the id "idAttachmentsRow". ---------------------- v3.300 Added operator “is changed”. This is used to trigger a rule if the field value has changed after the form was loaded. Added trigger “Compare logged in user with people picker field”. This can be used to trigger a rule if the logged in user is or is not selected in a given people picker field. Fixed tooltip left adjustment to prevent the text form rendering outside the screen when using side-by-side. Added z-index:1001 to the tooltip container to fix a rendering issue in SP2013 where some elements shined trough the container. Tried to fix an issue with setting a people picker to readonly in SP2013 and getting a “field is not ready” error. I could not reproduce this error and therefore cannot promise this will fix it. Fixes the quirky dropdown select in Internet Explorer used for a single lookup column when there are more than 20 items in the lookup source list (SP2007 and SP2010). ---------------------- v3.310 Added option to fix the dialog to the top of the screen to prevent it from jumping around when you change tabs. This applies to SP 2010 / 2013, and can be found in the Misc tab. Addressed an issue with spjs.dffs.clear_Mandatory and fields set as requires in the list settings. ---------------------- v3.311 Removed check for fields that were set as required in the list settings as this produced an error in "spjs.dffs.clear_Mandatory". Fix for SP 2007 compatibility for the "Fixes the quirky dropdown select" added in v3.30 Attempted to fix the randomly missing scrollbar issue in dialog boxes. ---------------------- v3.312 Small fix for dialog size when adding attachments. Triggering on date fields now properly supports "Equal to" = [empty string]. Fixed bug that halted the script when using ID as trigger in EditForm. Fix for timing issue in SP 2013 that resulted in triggers not picking up the correct value. Added a handful of missing semicolons and minified the code using packer by Dean Edwards ---------------------- v3.313 Fixed a bug in "setQuirkyLookup" for SP2007 as the id contained characters that needed to be escaped. ---------------------- v3.314 Attempted to fix an issue with having multiple triggers on "Selected tab index", where only the last rule applied. ---------------------- v3.315 Added "Run these functions" setting to DispForm. ---------------------- v3.320 Fixed retracted Error in description for the trigger "If logged in user is in group with ID". Duplicated edit button in some situations. Enhancements Added alert to catch use of "And these rule indexes are true" looking at a rule that has a higher index than the current rule. Added option to turn on/off the "Fix quirky lookups" feature introduced in v3.3. You find the option in the Misc tab. New features Added a cookie to remember selected tab trough page refresh. Added new trigger "is changed" for text / number fields. This triggers on any change in the field. The existing trigger with the same name has been renamed to "is changed from initial value" (existing configurations will be automatically updated). New config options for cascading dropdowns: Autofill and Clear invalid. Please note that you must update the cascading dropdown solution separately for the new features to be supported. Added options to show navigation buttons to switch tabs. You find the setting in the Misc tab. ---------------------- v3.321 Removed a trailing comma in an object (introduced in v 3.32) that broke the script in IE8. ---------------------- v3.322 Added back the missing “extra” edit item button to the left of the “Cancel” button. This had disappeared in v3.20. ---------------------- v3.323 Fixed a random error message: [DFFS: spjs.dffs.loadAndApplyRules]: Configuration error. ---------------------- v3.324 Added missing ; ---------------------- v3.325 If there is a function "dffs_Ready()" in the CEWP or in the Custom JS, this will be called when the DFFS solution has finished loading. Added "is changed from initial value" trigger to choice columns as this was missing. Added MUI support to the tab navigation buttons. ---------------------- v3.326 Fix for "dffs_PreSaveAction" changed in v3.325: When the function did not return true, the save process would halt. ---------------------- v3.327 Fixed "Selected tab index" in Misc tab. This was disabled by the cookie introduced in v3.320. ---------------------- v3.328 Added option in the Misc tab to control the use of cookie for remembering the selected tab. Disabled the "selected tab" cookie for NewForm ---------------------- v3.329 Fixed initial tab selection if the primary tab is hidden by a rule. In this scenario you would have no selected tab, but the form would still be visible. The code will now try to select the next visible tab. If no tabs can be selected, the form i hidden. ---------------------- v3.330 Fixed a bug from v3.329 where the form was hidden if you had not configured tabs. ---------------------- v3.333 Fixed compatibility with SP 2007 and IE8 running on Windows XP. Changed / fixed tab selection by url (?sTab=X), by cookie or when one or more tabs are hidden by rules. Fixed a bug in showing field description with readonly fields when the field description has a trailing
. Fixed a bug with using "selected tab index" as trigger in rules (the selected tab index was not always updated on click. ---------------------- v3.334 Changed an alert for when you are trying to hide the active tag by a rule. ---------------------- v3.335 Fixed bug related to "orphans tab" not working after update in v3.333. ---------------------- v3.336 Changed the offset of the custom edit item image in the ribbon for SP2013 as Microsoft has two different image maps in 365 and on premises install of SharePoint - resulting in the wrong image being used. ---------------------- v3.340 Fixed setQuirkyLookup so that getFieldValue will pick up the correct selection if you use it in PreSaveAction. Added support for the new version of SPJS Resource Management: http://wp.me/p3eibN-1sv Moved password to Misc tab. Displayed the plugin version used for the various plugins like vLookup, Cascading Dropdowns etc. ---------------------- v3.341 Navtabs now operates in a circular motion: When passing the last tab, it will start from the first tab again. Added check to see if the attachment field in not part of any tab. If so, the attachments will show in all tab. Added option to disable individual rules. ---------------------- v3.342 Changed how the SPFieldMultiChoice event are triggered. It was initially on "click" and now it is on "change". Added "is changed" trigger on SPFieldChoice, SPFieldMultiChoice and SPFieldBoolean. Changed a little bit on the "is changed" comparison to catch change BACK TO what was the initial value when the form was loaded. ---------------------- v3.343 Changed how the configuration is done for the resource management plugin. retracted Setup is now done in a separate tab and you must remove any configuration from the Custom JS section in the Misc tab. ---------------------- v3.344 Changes to the Resource Management plugin. retracted ---------------------- v3.345 Fixed a bug (introduced in v3.343) where the tooltip tab was corrupted. ---------------------- v3.346 Fixed a bug where the form field tooltip section was initially visible in the bottom of the rules tab. This was only a "cosmetic error", and did not affect the functionality. ---------------------- v3.350 * The method for reading the fields for the list in the configuration GUI has changed. I now query the list schema for the fields rather than finding them from the current form. This means that you can now configure DFFS for a form with content types without having to add all fields to the default content type. Please note that only the fields in the active content type will be available to the script when NewForm, DispForm or EditForm is rendered. * Lookup columns containing more than 20 items in SP 2007 / 2010 using Internet Explorer (quirky lookup columns) can now be used as triggeres. If you are NOT using SPServices cascading dropdown you must tick “Fix quirky lookup columns” in the Misc tab. * Triggers are now organized in more “optgroups” to clarify how they trigger (on load, on save etc.) * The “doSetFieldValue” function have been changed to support setting Cascading dropdown value using the “Set field value” action in the rules. Please update the cascading dropdown plugin to v3.24 or above. *You can now manually specify the location of the DFFS configuration list. This may come in handy when using DFFS in a list template. See separate heading in the bottom of this article. ---------------------- v3.351 fixQuirkyLookup: Added title attribute to the select for compatibility with SPServices. Added back the Attachment field as this had disappeared from the field select in the tabs in v3.350. ---------------------- v3.352 Fixed the following that went missing in v3.350: Added back the content type choice as trigger and selectable field Added back the file name field as trigger and selectable field Added back the additional lookup column fields to the DispForm configuration