v2.0: Initial release of the current solution. Set to v2.0 as this is a remake of a previously published solution. ------------------ v2.1: Modified the "hover" CSS to highlight the editable TD's only, and to show a small downarrow to the right in the TD. ------------------ v2.2: Makes it possible to use this solution in a web part page alongside other list view web parts. ------------------ v2.3: Fixed a bug in v2.2 that made it impossible to use the solution in document libraries. Changed the variables passed to the function "initCustomEditFunction" to an object literal. See updated CEWP-code here: http://sharepointjavascript.wordpress.com/2011/02/08/inline-editing-for-sharepoint-2007/ ------------------ v2.4 Fixed a bug preventing this so work with folders in a document library / list. ------------------ v2.5 Fixed a bug preventing it from binge used in a grouped view. ------------------ v2.6 Fixed a bug when trying to save "<", ">" or "&" in a text field. Changed the script to use spjs-utility.js: http://spjsfiles.com/index.php?dir=SharePoint+JavaScripts%2Fspjs-utility%2F ------------------ v2.6.2 Added some debug alerts info to troubleshoot errors when trying to edit a line. You activeate these by adding "?debug=1" to the URL like this: /Lists/EditInView/AllItems.aspx?debug=1 ------------------ v2.6.3 Fixing positioning error in IE when scrolling and added a method of clearing a datepicker value by hitting the Delete key when the datepicker is active. ------------------ v2.7 Previously frozen header was available in IE only. This update adds support for Chrome and Firefox.