v2.0: Initial release of the current solution. Set to v2.0 as this is a remake of a previously published solution. ------------------ v2.1: Modified the "hover" CSS to highlight the editable TD's only, and to show a small downarrow to the right in the TD. ------------------ v2.2: Makes it possible to use this solution in a web part page alongside other list view web parts. ------------------ v2.3: Fixed a bug in v2.2 that made it impossible to use the solution in document libraries. Changed the variables passed to the function "initCustomEditFunction" to an object literal. See updated CEWP-code here: http://sharepointjavascript.wordpress.com/2011/02/08/inline-editing-for-sharepoint-2007/ ------------------ v2.4 Fixed a bug preventing this so work with folders in a document library / list. ------------------ v2.5 Fixed a bug preventing it from binge used in a grouped view. ------------------ v2.6 Fixed a bug when trying to save "<", ">" or "&" in a text field. Changed the script to use spjs-utility.js: http://spjsfiles.com/index.php?dir=SharePoint+JavaScripts%2Fspjs-utility%2F ------------------ v2.6.2 Added some debug alerts info to troubleshoot errors when trying to edit a line. You activeate these by adding "?debug=1" to the URL like this: /Lists/EditInView/AllItems.aspx?debug=1 ------------------ v2.6.3 Fixing positioning error in IE when scrolling and added a method of clearing a datepicker value by hitting the Delete key when the datepicker is active. ------------------ v2.7 Previously frozen header was available in IE only. This update adds support for Chrome and Firefox. ------------------ v2.8 BETA Added support for column of type Lookup and LookupMulti. ------------------ v2.8.1 Fixed a bug where the lookup value was prefixed with "string;#" when using a calculated column as lookup source. ------------------ v3.0 Fixed a bug where you could not have multiple views of the same list in a page. This update lets you have multiple lists / views of the same list in a page, and have the inline editing feature activated on all of them. The argObj property "myListGuid" is now obsolete. ------------------ v3.1 Added argObj.targetListView to give the opertunity to rescrict the inline editing to one list view. If you want to apply the feature to multiple views in one pagg (but not all), call the function multiple times like this: var argObj1 = {dateFormat:'m/d/yy', decimalSeparator:'.', boolYesNoText:'Yes|No', labelArr:['Save','Cancel','Clear'], targetListView:'{971345C0-CFCD-4B48-938F-F5821806F2E7}', arrToEdit:['SingleLine'], pinTableHeader:true, hideIdColumn:true}; initCustomEditFunction(argObj1); var argObj2 = {dateFormat:'m/d/yy', decimalSeparator:'.', boolYesNoText:'Yes|No', labelArr:['Save','Cancel','Clear'], targetListView:'{50075642-2FD1-4B90-9446-1D4AE0CF9F0C}', arrToEdit:[], pinTableHeader:true, hideIdColumn:true}; initCustomEditFunction(argObj2);